Key guidelines and reports

Information from other sources providing national guidelines and recommendations on HIV prevention and sexual health services.


HIV in the United Kingdom
PHE (2015)

State of Play: findings from the England Gay Men’s Sex Survey
Hickson et al (2016)

African Health and Sex Survey 2013-2014: Headline findings
Bourne et al (2014)


Delivering Community-Based HIV and Sexual Health Services during COVID-19
HIV Prevention England (2020)

Quality standard – HIV testing: encouraging uptake
NICE (2017)

Increasing HIV testing uptake among people who may have undiagnosed HIV
NICE and PHE (2016)

Addressing late HIV diagnosis through screening and testing
PHE (2014)

HIV testing guidelines
BHIVA and BASHH (2008)

HIV partner notification standards

Guidelines on HIV self-testing and partner notification
WHO (2015)


Guidelines for the treatment of HIV-1 positive adults with antiretroviral therapy 2015 (2016 interim update)
BHIVA (2016)

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

PrEP Health Promotion Campaign guidance [PDF]

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PrEP impact trial
PHE, NHS England and St Stephen’s Clinical Research

Guidelines on the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) 2017 (consultation version)
BHIVA and BASHH (2017)

Information for commissioners

Sexual health, reproductive health and HIV: commissioning review
PHE (2017)

Commissioning sexual health, reproductive health and HIV services
PHE (2015)

Information for GPs and other primary care practitioners

Sexually transmitted infections in primary care
BASHH and the RCGP (2013)

Sexual health in primary care online course

Implementing indicator condition (IC) guided testing
OptTEST by HiE project

Second joint multidisciplinary conference of BHIVA and RCGP: presentations
BHIVA and RCGP (2016)