Introducing the HIV Prevention England Faith Engagement Strategy

Despite the excellent headway the UK has made to reduce new HIV transmissions, stigma is prevalent and may curtail our ambitions for ending new HIV transmissions by 2030.

  • Stigma is a barrier to people testing and accessing biomedical interventions such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
  • Stigma affects the wellbeing, health and overall quality of life of people living with HIV.

We have produced a national faith engagement strategy which aims to increase the involvement of faith leaders and communities in challenging HIV-related stigma, supporting the uptake of HIV testing and prevention, and promoting the good health and wellbeing of people living with HIV.

Faith leaders are well-respected role models in their communities; they have the ability to reach people who do not necessarily access health services, and they have a role in supporting efforts to end discrimination against marginalised people.

HIV Prevention England (HPE) will provide opportunities to support faith leaders and communities, including through National HIV Testing Week, providing free resources, information briefings, and sector training events.

Download the strategy document

HIV Prevention England Faith Engagement Strategy [PDF]

Get involved

HPE provides resources and training. If you are a faith leader or work with faith communities:

  • Take advantage of our free resources.
  • Sign-up to our monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date with our latest news and events (complete the form opposite or below).

Forthcoming events

National HIV Testing Week starts Saturday 16 November 2019.

This year, World AIDS Day is on Sunday 1 December 2019.

New resources portal

It Starts With Me - New HPE Portal

Ahead of our summer campaign, HPE has launched a new resources portal featuring an easy-to-use interface for ordering campaign materials and merchandise.

Award-winning HIV prevention leaflets, posters and other promotional materials are available to all organisations in England engaged in HIV prevention. These include GP surgeries, clinics, statutory services, colleges, universities, and community organisations.

Register your new account and order your free HIV prevention resources today.