The National HIV Prevention Programme 2021-2024

Following a competitive tender process, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) within Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have commissioned Terrence Higgins Trust to deliver a new National HIV Prevention Programme from 2021 to 2024.

The new programme will run from November 2021 to March 2024 and identify as ‘HIV Prevention England’ to retain continuity of the programme’s work and engagement with key HIV sector stakeholders from the previous 2016-2021 programme.

Programme aims

  • Improve knowledge, understanding and uptake of combination HIV prevention interventions among populations most at-risk of HIV in England.
  • Raise awareness of STIs and STI prevention strategies.
  • Reduce levels of HIV related stigma within affected communities.

What’s new?

Building on previous success and learning, the new HPE programme will be characterised by:

  • More expansive and ongoing involvement of multi-sector partners and stakeholders in development, implementation and evaluation at national and local levels.
  • Inclusion of prevention of STIs to deliver a holistic approach to sexual health.
  • New innovative and cost-efficient interventions expanding on activities of the previous programme.
  • Enhanced co-production through creative design and implementation, delivering culturally competent campaigns effectively meeting the needs of key target populations.
  • Focusing on equity to ensure equitable outcomes for all at risk of acquiring HIV and STIs.
  • Responding to recommendations from the imminent national HIV Action Plan and Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy.

A briefing with more details on activities and how you can get involved will be circulated shortly.

SAVE THE DATE: National HIV Testing Week 2022

National HIV Testing Week will take place Monday 7 February to Sunday 13 February 2022.

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