HPE briefings

For briefings related to It Starts With Me or National HIV Testing Week, visit the campaign briefings page.

PrEP and women (2024) [PDF]

This briefing explores the use of PrEP for cisgender women. It reviews relevant guidance and research relating to types of PrEP available to women, if/how PrEP affects contraception, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause, access to PrEP, and the barriers to PrEP use among women. This information is accurate at the time of publication (February 2024).

Gonorrhoea (2023) [PDF]
This briefing provides and overview of gonorrhoea epidemiology in England, research on gonorrhoea and antibiotic resistance, treatment guidelines, and the implications for HIV prevention and services. This information is accurate at the time of publication (August 2023).

Using antibiotics to prevent STIs (2022) [PDF]
This research briefing explores the use of antibiotics to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In an era of declining condom use, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and rising rates of bacterial STIs, there is currently a renewed interest in better understanding if antibiotics can and should be used in this way – and what the potential drawbacks to this approach might be.

HIV Testing Technologies (2022) [PDF]
This paper provides an overview of HIV diagnostic test for people planning, commissioning or providing HIV prevention activities in England. Please note this information is accurate at the time of publication, March 2022.

HIV Treatment as Prevention (2020) [PDF]
This paper covers the scientific evidence for treatment as prevention (TasP), information on viral suppression, the impact TasP had within the community and the public health impact.

Trans People and HIV Testing (2017) [PDF]
A briefing paper focusing on trans people and HIV. It highlights the reasons why HIV testing is so important for trans people, addressing barriers to HIV testing, and including helpful tips, tools and resources on providing a trans-friendly health service.

Recent STI and BBV outbreaks (2017) [PDF]
A briefing paper focusing on recent STI and BBV outbreaks which have been the focus of Public Health England’s 2016/2017 investigations. The paper discusses infectious syphilis, drug-resistant gonorrhoea and hepatitis A.